In the world of Attars Sandalwood is a cornerstone, it is so crucial that a fragrance could not be called attar if it was not distilled in sandalwood. The great perfumers of centuries gone by would compose the attar with solid ingredients first. Yes! that’s right, contrary to what is common belief today, attars were originally composed by blending the solid ingredients of what the perfumer wanted the final attar to be, then he would place all his ingredients in a deg, today known as the distillation pot, then distil them together in the one pot, the final oil would be the attar. In that very composition sandalwood would be the key ingredient regardless of the type of attar the perfumer wanted.
Paying homage to this rich tradition of perfumery art, such art that the masters could foretell smells from solid materials when there was no smell. Wood logs, dry grasses, fresh flower petals, and animal substances, even today with the most advance technologies we cannot predict the amount of oil that will be produced by such ingredients, let alone a combination of them and their smells.
Sandalwood, or better referred to in Arabic as Sandal is the spirit of those glorious logs of the past that would make the canvas for the attars’ artwork. Sandal the Parfum brings to life the scent that would be billowing through these magnificent attari (perfumeries). The heartwarming soul embracing yet sensual and kind, loving, beautiful and caring. The comforting scent of buttery, honey, caramel, cinnamon with touches of vanilla goodness, the wholesome fragrance of Sandalwood.
We bring to you Sandal – The Heartwarming parfum that will love you and make you feel the best version of yourself.